Our every action is important. Our every word propels us toward a certain future. And if we take our 24 hours lightly we will find ourselves in a difficult and inhospitable place.
Look at the ships on the sea. If they don't have a ploted course they will eventually land on the rocks.
How is your day plotted? Are you taking advantage of your down time? Are you investing in yourself and on your future?
I challenge you to take an inventory of your day and record the time you spend. I submit that, if you are spending more than 120 minutes a day in non-productive activities, your floating dangerously near the rocks.
Take advantage of every moment of every day. Don't let your life slip by.
Gabriel G
-- Post From My iPhone
About Me

- Gabriel
- Time is the one commodity that we can not earn, or buy. It is my desire to share with my children the ideas, thoughts, and wisdom that I have learned and continue to learn on a daily basis. I hope that these words will enlighten them and offer wisdom they don't have to pay for with experience.