Waking up late was a nice gift I gave myself. It's interesting how the small things in life are what make me smile. I literally climbed out of bed having surrounded myself with a mountain of pillows that resembled a fort. The sun was beaming and the street was calling my name.
I was hungry but I didn’t want to spend too much time eating, so I crossed the street in front of the hotel, sped downstairs into Larco Mar and had a cup of coffee at Starbucks.
I had my video camera bag and my still camera in a side pocket. I was ready. The day before a General explained that I needed a book called the Reglamento Disciplinario de La Policia so that was my mission. Find the Book. And record any adventure that may pop up from here to there.
The sun was out in force and I thought nothing of it. The city was bustling and I had a mission. I visited the book shop in the Larco Mar Mall and they told me that I could find the book in the book fair. They gave me directions and off I went.
The traffic was busy but nothing out of the ordinary, but I recorded the process anyway cause it would be cool to review it later. (I reviewed it later and the shaky camera was horrible. I had to keep a steadier hand, but that’s almost impossible while walking along a crowded sidewalk.)
The Book Fair was a dud and they were able to tell me anything except that they thought I could find it somewhere downtown…no address was given. So I looked around and saw a couple of bookstores across the street.
They too turned me out with no promises. The day continued that way for the rest of the morning until I found myself on the beach.
The Lima beach part of the Costa Verde is made up of rocks ranging from pebbles to boulders. It seems pretty from afar but when I came up on it I was shocked to see anyone out there. But they were. The locals were out their sunning themselves, surfing and playing in the waves. They looked uncomfortable and the beach chairs were askew but they continued to sit there. Perhaps it’s because the average day here in Lima is so overcast that any hint of sun is more than enough to encourage them to brave the stones and get of it as much as they can.
I walked along the beach filming and shooting photos and got a sunburn for all my efforts. I saw some cool sea urchins and paragliding.
The paragliding was so exciting to watch that I took the challenge and jumped off the cliff and into a life experience.
About Me

- Gabriel
- Time is the one commodity that we can not earn, or buy. It is my desire to share with my children the ideas, thoughts, and wisdom that I have learned and continue to learn on a daily basis. I hope that these words will enlighten them and offer wisdom they don't have to pay for with experience.