Flying out to Lima

Dec 2, 2008 by Gabriel
The Airport was filling up slowly and I was hopeing that I wouldn't have to sit beside to many people. I saw this man that was dressed strangely and I wondered if that was how the people in Peru dressed. Besides the 2 hats he was sporting his pants were being held up with a sash and his over coat (although pretty) seemed more like a costume.

Finally the plane boarded and I snuck on in the first boarding group. This made finding my seat easier. This was good since the seats were built for snuggling up to the seat in front of you

They were leather seats and very comfortable, and 875 is the number of hairs the balding man in front of me has growing in the back of his head. hmmmmmmm

We were served a chicken sandwich with a golf ball size chocolate wrapped in a blue, green and white wrapper. The presentation reminded me of my wife in that it was very pretty and must have taken much preparation.

The Lima airport was very beautiful clean, and organized. It blew El Dorado Airport out of the water. The baggage claim made me feel like I was in the Jersey airport. It was two stories tall and very spacious.

I took these photos from the hip so as not to bring attention to myself and have my camera confiscated. That's why they are skewed.

I was met by Victor the taxi cab driver who sported a vehicle registration written in Korean or Japanese ???

The trip to the hotel took 50 mins during which time I saw Papa Johns pizza, Chilies, Subway, TGIFridays, StarBucks, Pizza Hut, KFC, Burger King, and of course McDonalds. Victor had initially told me that the trip would cost 30 Soles but at the hotel he charged me 40, so I didn't give him a tip.

By the time I took a shower and got settled it was 1am.
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