Mar 12, 2007 by Gabriel
Yesterday was probably one of the most awesome days I have had the pleasure of living. President George W. Bush came to Bogota Colombia and he gave a special speech at the US Embassy here.

We were told a week in advance that we could meet the president or at least hear him in person if we liked. Furthermore all the kids between 4 and 17 could take a group photo with him. We were so glad to hear that. But we had to get Jordan ready for the photo. We had to choose the clothing (which has been a problem in the past) and we fix his hair, and look at how close the President sat to where Jordan was!

We arrived a few minutes before 4 and had to wait until he arrived at around 6pm. But it was worth the wait. Our pics weren’t too good but we should have a pro photo mailed to us in a few weeks.

Gabriellita was soooooooooooooo patient. She walked around the large waiting patio as I trailed her like a shadow, making sure she wasn’t getting into other baby’s bags, or strollers, or electric cables, or bothering the Secret Service men, or running up and bothering the President and ….you know the run of the mill things that a 2-year old does.

But even though she had braved the day without a nap she was extremely patient and for the most past quiet.
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